About Us
storeezo – "a shore for stories"
"A story has no beginning or end:arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from
which to look back or from which to look ahead.”- Graham Greene, novelist, and author.
Everyone has got a story to tell. That's why, at storeezo, we believe you might have stories
stashed and hidden somewhere in your mind. Wouldn't it be wonderful to bring it
out as a book? You have the right partner in publishing that dream.
storeezo can
walk you through all steps of the tedious process of publishing. Trust us, self-publishing is a mean task and that's why we think you should consider us.
storeezo has currently one book on the shelves, Rishvin and Jaanvi – Mystery at the fort and other stories. It's written by Aromal Mithra, written as a bedtime bunch of stories told to his daughter Gauri. The reception to the book is warm and Aromal is currently working on other titles. In his own words, " Have you tried telling stories to your kids? You should. Bedtime stories are the best fun adventure you can go on along with your family. It's
all make-believe, so no one gets hurt by falling from a tree, no tiger stalks you, and you can teleport to any part of the universe in an instant – it's a
virtual reality show, narrated by you! Further, stories cement the parent-child bond beautifully. "
storeezo has an e-book print-on-demand section as well if you want to publish it online.
You can order your copy of Rishvin and Jaanvi at this email: info@storeezo.com or
WhatsApp: 62821 26653